Class AsymmetricCompositionRule



The AsymmetricCompositionRule is a specialization of the ConcernCompositionRule for asymmetric composition mechanisms and represents a combination of an Advice, a Pointcut, a RelativePositionKind, and an EffectKind.


  1. noAdviceForDeletionEffect: self.effect = concernComposition::EffectKind::deletion implies (self.advice.oclIsUndefined())
  2. mandatoryAdviceForEnhancementAndReplacementEffect: self.effect <> concernComposition::EffectKind::deletion implies (not self.advice.oclIsUndefined())

Attribute Summary
Denotes the relative position with respect to the JoinPoints where the Advice shall be introduced. Besides, before, after, and around, the into RelativePositionKind is supported.

Reference Summary
Advice advice
Designates the Advice to be used in the rule.
Pointcut pointcut
Declares the Pointcut where the Advice of the rule shall be applied.

Attributes inherited from ConcernCompositionRule
effect, name

Copyright Andrea Schauerhuber, Cornelia Tomasek (Vienna University of Technology, 2007)
Note: This documentation is partly based upon WebRatio's WebML User Guide (for further information on WebRatio see, 'Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications' [S.Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera, 2003] (for further information see and 'Model-driven Development of Context-Aware Web Applications' [S. Ceri, F. Daniel, M. Matera, F. M. Facca. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2007, 7(1)]