Abstract Class DISPLAYUNIT



Displayunit is a base entity for all units that display attributes of an entity.


  1. displayattributesContainedInReferencedEntity: entity <> null and entity.attribute->includesAll(displayattribute)

Reference Summary
SELECTOR selector
Selector that determines the instance of the entity that should be displayed.
ATTRIBUTE displayattribute
Set of attributes that should be displayed.
ENTITY entity
The entity whose attributes should be displayed.

Attributes inherited from IdentifiedElement

Attributes inherited from NamedElement

References inherited from IdentifiedElement
property, comment

References inherited from LINKABLEELEMENT
link, graphmetadatago

Copyright Andrea Schauerhuber, Cornelia Tomasek (Vienna University of Technology, 2007)
Note: This documentation is partly based upon WebRatio's WebML User Guide (for further information on WebRatio see, 'Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications' [S.Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera, 2003] (for further information see and 'Model-driven Development of Context-Aware Web Applications' [S. Ceri, F. Daniel, M. Matera, F. M. Facca. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2007, 7(1)]