Class AREA



Areas are modules that are used to decompose large and complex siteviews. They are containers for PAGE elements and other sub-areas. Sub-areas are used to form a hierarchical organization of a siteview.


  1. MustNotHaveOutgoingLinks: not>isEmpty()
  2. Area_must_have_either_defaultPage_or_defaultArea: defaultArea.oclIsUndefined()<>defaultPage.oclIsUndefined()

Attribute Summary
If set to true, all pages contained in the area are accessed through secure HTTP protocol, instead of the normal HTTP protocol.
If set to true, all pages contained in this area considered to be multi-lingual.
If set to true, the area is reachable from all other pages or areas of the enclosing siteview or a super-area.
If set to true, all pages contained in the site view can only be accessed by users belonging to a group entiteld to access the site view. If the user is not logged in yet when accessing the site view, a login form is automatically displayed.

Reference Summary
TRANSACTION transaction
Set of transaction contained in this area.
AREA area
Set of sub-areas in this area.
PAGE page
Set of pages with a heterogenous purpose that are contained in the AREA.
AREA defaultArea
DefaultArea is a sub-area that is accessed by default when this area is accessed. Either defaultPage or defaultArea has to be provided.
PAGE defaultPage
The page that is presented per default when the area is accessed. Either defaultPage or defaultArea has to be provided.
OPERATIONUNIT operationunit
Set of operations contained in this area.
CONTEXTUNIT contextunit
CONTEXTUNIT of this area, making the area context-aware.
SESSIONMANAGEMENTUNIT sessionmanagementunit
Sessionmanagementunits used in the area by specific pages, etc.

Attributes inherited from IdentifiedElement

Attributes inherited from NamedElement

References inherited from IdentifiedElement
property, comment

References inherited from LINKABLEELEMENT
link, graphmetadatago

Copyright Andrea Schauerhuber, Cornelia Tomasek (Vienna University of Technology, 2007)
Note: This documentation is partly based upon WebRatio's WebML User Guide (for further information on WebRatio see, 'Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications' [S.Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, M. Matera, 2003] (for further information see and 'Model-driven Development of Context-Aware Web Applications' [S. Ceri, F. Daniel, M. Matera, F. M. Facca. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2007, 7(1)]