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About WIT

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[Portrait of me, self-shot, 2006]

Dipl.-Ing. Martina Umlauft



++43 1 58801 18892


++43 1 58801 18895




HE 04 40
(Favoritenstraße 9, Stiege 4, 4. Stock)


nach Vereinbarung

Research Interests

Wireless Networking, esp. Wireless Mesh Networks; Human-Computer Interaction with Wireless Devices.


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my ns-2 Simulator Page.


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Since 01/2008 I work directly within the Business Informatics Group at Vienna University of Technology for EU Project TRACK & TRADE. My new homepage with updated information will be online soon.
The information below has last been updated 2007-12-31.

Curriculum Vitae

Find a complete version of my CV -> here <-.

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Older Publications

  • P. Reichl, M. Umlauft, J. Fabini, R. Lauster, G. Pospischil: Project WISQY: A Measurement-based End-to-End Application-Level Performance Comparison of 2.5G and 3G Networks. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS2005), Pomona, CA, USA, April 2005.  PDF-File: Project WISQY: A Measurement-based End-to-End Application-Level Performance Comparison of 2.5G and 3G Networks Paper DOI
  • P. Reichl, N. Jordan, J. Fabini, R. Lauster, M. Umlauft, W. Jäger, T. Ziegler, P. Eichinger, G. Pospischil, W. Wiedermann: Wireless Inter-System Quality-of-Service: A Practical Network Performance Analysis of 3G and Beyond in Proc. of Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2005 (KIVS'05), pp. 230 - 241, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 28.02. - 03.03.2005.
  • M. Umlauft, G. Pospischil, G. Niklfeld, E. Michlmayr: LoL@, a Mobile Tourist Guide for UMTS. Journal on Information Technology & Toursim, H. Werthner and E. Veit (ed.) Congnizant, Vol. 5, No. 3; pp. 151-164, March 2003.
  • H. Anegg, M. Umlauft: LoL@: usablility of a location based UMTS application. e&i - elektrotechnik & informationstechnik, ÖVE, Vol. 2, No. 2; pp. 61-65, February 2003.
  • H. Anegg, H. Kunczier, E. Michlmayr, G. Pospischil, M. Umlauft: LoL@: Ein Prototyp für einen UMTS-basierenden mobilen Stadtführer. PIK - Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, Saur Verlag, Vol. 25, No. 4; pp. 188-195, October 2002.
  • G. Pospischil, M. Umlauft, E. Michlmayr: Designing LoL@, a Mobile Tourist Guide for UMTS. in Proceedings 4th International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices (Mobile HCI '02), Pisa, Italy, September 2002.
  • H. Anegg, H. Kunczier, E. Michlmayr, G. Pospischil, M. Umlauft: LoL@: designing a location based UMTS application. e&i - elektrotechnik & informationstechnik, ÖVE, Vol. 119, No. 2, February 2002.

Talks & Presentations:

  • Presentations:
  • Talks given for Publications where not first Author:
    • April 2005, Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS2005), Pomona, CA, USA, for P. Reichl, M. Umlauft, J. Fabini, R. Lauster, G. Pospischil: Project WISQY: A Measurement-based End-to-End Application-Level Performance Comparison of 2.5G and 3G Networks.
    • September 2002, 4th International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices (Mobile HCI '02), Pisa, Italy, for G. Pospischil, M. Umlauft, E. Michlmayr: Designing LoL@, a Mobile Tourist Guide for UMTS.
  • 4-Part Seminar at FTW, August 2005 (mostly German):
    1. C++ und Objektorientierung PDF-File: C++ und Objektorientierung Slides
    2. Versionskontrolle mit Subversion PDF-File: Versionskontrolle mit Subversion Slides
    3. Tools (vi-Editor, make) PDF-File: Tools Slides
    4. Overview of Extreme Programming PDF-File: Extreme Programming Slides
  • Half-day Seminar at FTW, 2001 (held twice, 2001-07-18 and 2001-07-24):

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