Unternehmen / Organisation: Distributed
Systems Laboratory at EPFL, Switzerland
Gesucht wird:
Postdoctoral position
Postdoctoral position
The Distributed Systems Laboratory at EPFL, Switzerland, invites applications
for a postdoctoral researcher in the area of MANETs and/or fault tolerant
distributed computing. The primary responsibility of this position
is to contribute to the research of the lab. Two new projects are
about to start: (1) project about a new model for solving distributed
agreement problems, (2) project in the context of car-to-car network.
The candidate can also develop its own project if it fits within the
goals of the lab. A moderate teaching task
is attached to the position.
Position Requirements:
* Ph.D. in an area related to one of the projects mentioned above.
* At least one or two good publications.
Salary according to the EPFL (high) standards.
To apply: Send an e-mail to andre.schiper@epfl.ch
Please include the names of at least three references along with a
curriculum vitae and list of publications.
Start date: To be decided.
The initial appointment will be for a one-year period, with the possibility
of an extension up to four years.
For more information:
Prof Andre Schiper, LSR - Distributed Systems Laboratory EPFL-I&C,
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland