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IT - Jobs für Frauen

wann bei WIT eingelangt: 2.2.2006

Vermittlung / Quelle:   TU intern

Unternehmen / Organisation: TU Wien

Gesucht wird: Forschungsassistent/in


The ASGAARD Project :: PhD Research Position

We kindly invite students who are interested in Medical Informatics, in particular in Protocol-Based Care, Process Modeling, and evidence-based Medicine, as well as in Artificial Intelligence and Information and Knowledge Engineering (Information Extraction, Transformation, Integration, and Retrieval), to apply for a PhD researcher position.

The position, under the supervision of Prof. Silvia Miksch, is available at the Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems within the Information Engineering group and will enlarge the Asgaard project group.

The position within the newly granted project entitled Facilitating Evidence-based Decision Support Using Information Extraction and Clinical Guidelines - EviX is available starting July 2006 for 2.5 years. The income is 23,545.20 EURO including tax each year (approx. 17,118.60 EURO after tax reduction).

Information about the project
The goal of the proposed project is the experimental application and further development of promising approaches in the area of semi-automatic creation of computer-interpretable clinical guidelines and the execution of evidence-based recommendations. We expect contributions to ease the creation of computer-interpretable guidelines and support of the medical staff in their daily routine and decision-making.

Computer-interpretable guidelines ought to support the medical staff in treatment planning and execution and promulgate the most effective and efficient care. Due to the complexity of most of the guideline representation languages the transformation into these languages is a very complex and cumbersome task. In the same way, embedding of evidence-based treatment recommendations is important, but such concepts are inadequately incorporated in currently existing representation languages. Consequently, these aspects are not considered during the execution and decision-making process.

In previous projects we developed a set of methods and programs for creating and executing treatment plans as well as to visualize them. In the proposed project we will use these methods to point out, improve, and augment methods to solve the problems mentioned above. Within this interdisciplinary project we build upon extensive existing contacts to developers of clinical guidelines as well as to developers of computer-interpretable guideline representation languages (e.g., PROforma).

Both the medical discipline and the computer science discipline will be enriched by the proposed project. On the one hand, the developed methods and applications will influence the development of guidelines and probably will contribute to the development of repositories for computer-interpretable guideline representation languages as well as to better support the decision making process in treatment planning. On the other hand, methods of Information Extraction and Integration are extended and evaluated.

Role of the position
- Applying Information Extraction techniques to detect both graded and ungraded evidence-based recommendations in the text documents
- Emphasis importance of evidence recommendations: development and implementation of rules for implementing decision strategies

Required education/skills
You are a university graduate (at the diploma or master of science level) in Computer Science, Medical Informatics, or Information Systems. You have programming experience in Java and you should be fluent in the English language and eager to communicate your work both orally and in written form.

How to apply
Please send your application with full CV (including list of subjects taken at university plus your grades, publications, preferred research direction, etc.) to Katharina Kaiser (kaiser @ ifs.tuwien.ac.at) until March 1, 2006.

Link: http://www.asgaard.tuwien.ac.at/phd_job.html


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