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IT - Jobs für Frauen

wann bei WIT eingelangt: 16.7.2007

Vermittlung / Quelle:   TU intern

Unternehmen / Organisation: Uni Klagenfurt

Gesucht wird: ProfessorIn "Control and Measurement Systems"


The University of Klagenfurt / Austria is strengthening its technical orientation.

Currently, the following position is to be filled (§ 98 in conjunction with § 128 Universitätsgesetz 2002):

Full Professorship for Control and Measurement Systems

In a joint effort, the Republic of Austria, the Province of Carinthia, the Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund, and the University of Klagenfurt made resources available to permanently establish six technically oriented research groups: Mobile Systems (Prof. Bettstetter), Embedded Systems (Prof. Huemer), Pervasive Computing (Prof. Rinner), Transportation Informatics (Prof. Kyamakya), Applied Mechatronics (negotiations are in progress), and Control and Measurement Systems. All groups are well-equipped and located adjacent to the university campus in the newly established Lakeside Science and Technology Park. The research umbrella of all new groups is “Ambient Intelligence. To complement our existing research groups in this field, we are looking for an excellent researcher with focus in two or more of the following areas:

•       Networked control systems
•       Distributed measurement and sensing systems
•       Control of evolvable and adaptable systems
•       Real time issues of control systems
•       Intelligent sensors

Successful candidates should combine theoretical and applied research. Also the commitment to teaching undergraduate courses in electrical and electronics engineering as well as graduate and PhD courses in the candidate"s research field is required. Cooperation with companies and research centres in the Lakeside Science and Technology Park ( www.lakeside-scitec.com ), and in the Technology Park Villach ( www.technologiepark-villach.com ) are highly encouraged. Moreover, interest in conducting interdisciplinary research is expected.

Formal requirements are as follows:
•       Doctorate degree appropriate to the field of work
•       Very strong research track record
•       Demonstrated success in obtaining research funding and in
        leading research projects
•       Suitable qualification to lecture at university (venia docendi
        or comparable accomplishments) and evidence of excellence in
        teaching and mentoring
•       Ability to lead a research group
•       Strong reputation within the international scientific community

Contract duration is subject to negotiation.

The University of Klagenfurt is aiming to increase the proportion of its female personnel, in particular in management positions and faculty. Qualified women are therefore explicitly invited to apply. In the case of equal qualifications, women will be given preferential consideration for employment.

Please send your application (including curriculum vitae, list of publications, copies of degree certificates), the most important three publications, and a 5-page summary of the application by September 07, 2007 via e-mail to

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Büro des Senats
Mrs. Sabine Tomicich

Further information to the application and to the 5-page summary can be obtained at
and from the Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences,
Prof. Dr. Martin Hitz (dekan.tewi@uni-klu.ac.at ).

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