Nevena Stolba, Tho Manh Nguyen, A Min Tjoa: Towards sustainable
decision-support system facilitating EBM, 29th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
(EMBC 2007), Lyon, France, August 2007.
Nevena Stolba, Alexander Schanner: eHealth Integrator -
Clinical Data Integration in Lower Austria, Third International
Conference on Computational Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare
(CIMED 2007), Plymouth, England, July 2007.
Nevena Stolba, A Min Tjoa, Thomas Mueck, Marko Banek: Federated
Data Warehouse Approach to Support the National and International
Interoperability of Healthcare Information Systems, 15th
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2007), St. Gallen,
Switzerland, June 2007.
Nevena Stolba, Tho Manh Nguyen, A Min Tjoa: Towards a Data
Warehouse Based Approach to Support Healthcare Knowledge Development
and Sharing, 2007 Information Resources Management Association
(IRMA) International Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2007. "Best Paper Award" winning
Marko Banek, A Min Tjoa, Nevena Stolba: Integrating different
grain levels in a medical data warehouse federation, 8th
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery
(DaWaK 2006), Krakow, Poland, September 2006.
Nevena Stolba, Marko Banek, A Min Tjoa: The Security Issue
of Federated Data Warehouses in the Area of
Evidence-Based Medicine, First International Conference on
Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2006), Vienna, Austria,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Apri 2006.
Nevena Stolba, A Min Tjoa: The Relevance of Data Warehousing
and Data Mining in the Field of Evidence-Based Medicine to Support
Healthcare Decision Making, International Conference on Computer
Science (ICCS 2006), Prague, Czech Republic, Enformatika: Volume 11,
February 2006.
Nevena Stolba, A Min Tjoa: An Approach towards the Fulfilment
of Security Requirements for Decision Support Systems in the Field
of Evidence-Based Healthcare, Knowledge Rights - Legal, Societal
and Related Technological Aspects (KnowRight2006), Vienna, Austria,
Austrian Computer Sociaty, pp. 51-59, February 2006.
Nevena Stolba, Beate List: Extending the Data Warehouse
with Company External Data from Competitors' Websites: A Case Study
in the Banking Sector,Data Warehousing
2004 (DW 2004), November 34 2004, Friedrichshafen, Germany, Physica
Verlag, 2004.
N. Katic, G. Quirchmayr, J. Schiefer, M. Stolba, A M. Tjoa:
A Prototype Model for Data Warehouse Security Based on Metadata ,in: Proc. DEXA 1998, Ninth Int. Workshop on Database and Expert
Systems Applications, IEEE Computer Society, A Min Tjoa, R. R. Wagner
(eds.), pp. 300-308, Vienna, Austria, August 1998.
N.Katic, R.Kirkgoeze, M.Stolba, A.M.Tjoa: A Security Concept
for OLAP , Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Database
and Expert System Application 1997, IEEE Computer Press, 1997.